Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kashmiri Surnames


1 Origin
Although Kashmiris are said to be the true specimen of Aryan race, yet the last authoritative word about their origin has not been said so far. Scholars are divided on the question of the ancestory of Kashmiris. However, many Western and Indian scholars have argued that Kashmiri Pandits, without any doubt, belong to Aryan race. Pandit Anand Koul says, "it is certain that it (Kashmir) was a colony of Aryan immigrants from Central Asia. Their features and fair complexion be speak them of the inner Aryan race''. Thompson is of the view that the Aryans were a long headed race of tall stature with narrow noses and fair complexion. Their purest representatives are found today mainly in Kashmir. Monier Williams declared the Kashmiri Pandits as the finest type of Aryan race. George Campbell says that the Kashmiris are quite High-Aryan in the type of their features - very fair and handsome, with high chiselled features, and no trace of inter-mixture of the blood of any lower race.
Our concern is not to dispute with the views of learned scholars quoted above but only to be acquainted with all shades of opinion and views. Mr. Bamzi is right when he says, "So far no ethnological survey of the Kashmiri people has been conducted, and we have only to depend upon superficial and general affinities which clearly point to their being physically allied to the people living in the region of Chitral, Gilgit, Afghanistan and Punjab. These Nodics who infiltrated into Kashmir are identical with the ancestors of the Dard speaking tribes, the Pisachas of the Sanskrit literature.
Legend clescribes the sage Kashyapa as the leader of colonisers of the valley. He is said to have under gone severe penances, killed the water demon of Satisara, drained out the stagnant water, and finally established a colony of his followers. Kashyapa, aithough an eminent Vedic Rishi, is said to have belonged to a non-Aryan stock. Even legend describes him "the father of all creatures including Nagas and Pisachas." The legend of Nilamata Purana describes in detail the stiff opposition and long controversy of Nagas and Pisachas to the Aryan immigrants. It would not be out of place to have a brief introduction with the Pisachas of yore who, if recent researches are any indication, might have been one among many of our ancestors.
2 Pisachas
Legend classifies them with fiends and evil spirits. The Vedas have placed them lower than the Rakshasas (Ogres), and amongst the most vile and noxious of beings. They are said to have been residing at cemeteries, devouring corpses and causing malignant diseases. Accounts differ as to their origin. The Brahmana and the Mahabharata say that they were created by Brahma, together with the Asuras and Rakshasas, from the stray drops of water which fell apart from the drops out of which gods, men, gandharvas etc., had been produced. According to Manu they sprang from the Prajapatis. In the Puranas they are represented as the offspring of Kashyapa by his wife Krodhavasa or Pisacha, or Kapisa.
The Nilamata describes them as friends of Daityas, dwelling in an Oasis, in the middle of the sea of sand. In Kashmir they lived under the leadership of Nikumba. As a result of Kashyapa's curse on the Nagas, the Pisachas occupied the valley of Kashmir for six months each year. This account refers to the human character of the Pisachas.
As already pointed out that they were the ancestors of the Dards, there is nothing to disbelieve that they, finding the climate of the valley warmer than the in hospitable regions of the North and East, came down to occupy the valley of Kashmir for the winter months. Mr. Bamzi quotes a statement of Drew to substantiate the theory of seasonal migration. "Further East (of Padar) across the glaciers lies the inaccessible country of Zanskar where the people and cattle live indoor for six months out of the year, where trees are scarce and food is scarcer. Farthest east is Rupshu, the lowest point of which is 13,500 feet. In Rupshu live the nomad champas, who are able to work in an air of extraordinary rarity and complain bitterly of the heat of Leh." And this is, perhaps, the only reason that they would leave the valley with the first sign of coming of Spring.
Although once held to be non-Aryan aboriginals, and usually assigned a home in the Vindhya regions, they are now believed to have been of Mongolian affinity. The Mahabharata refers to the north-west as their home; they are thought to have belonged to the region immediately, South of the Hindu Kush and may have been Scythians. They are described as reddish in appearance and as formidable opponents in war. The Rig-Veda records a prayer to Indra against them in the battle.
Their language Paisachi acquired fame through Gunadhya's tale, Brihat Katha, and their Pisacha form of marriage was recognised in the later Aryan social system. Their skill in Surgery was such that this science was referred to in the Gopatha Brahmana as the Pisacha Veda.
3 Panchagaudas
Geographically the Brahmanas are divided into two groups (i) Panchagaudas residing the north of Vindhyas and (ii) Pancha Dravidas residing south of the Vindhyas. The Panchagaudas consist of Kanyakubja, Sarasvata, Gauda, Mithala and Utkala branches, whereas Pancha Dravidas consist of the Mahavashtriyan, Telgu, Dravida Karnataka and Malabar branches.
3.1 Sarasvats
Kashmiri Pandits, with a few exceptions, belong to the category of Sarasvat Brahmans. There is also a Vaisya caste, but it is very small in number and is found only in some towns. However, classifying them as a Vaisya caste is disputed by many. They claim themselves to be the descendants of purest of Brahmanas. There is, according to Prof. Madan, some divergence of views regarding the Sarasvats of other parts of India and Kashmir being one single caste. Some of his infolmants claim that Kashmiri Brahmanas are distinct from others linking their caste to the goddess Sarasvati, while according to Mr Madan, Sarasvats as a whole derive their name from the river Sarasvati. He further refers to Jatimala where Sarasvats and Kashmiri Brahmans are mentioned separately, and at the same time refers to the Sarasvat Brahmans of Western coast claiming their descent from Kashmiri Brahmans. So far as the separate mention of Kashmiri and Sarasvat Brahmans is concerned it does not prove that the Kashmiri Brahmans belong to some non-Sarasvat caste. It is a matter of cross classification only. A Maharashtrian, a Gujrati or a Punjabi can belong to both the categories of Sarasvat and Maharashtrian, Gujrati or Punjabi Brahmans. Further modern scholars believe that Sarasvati river and the goddess Sarasvati are, in fact, only one entity, the latter having originated from the myth surrounded over the former. It may, therefore, be necessary to peep through the mist of myth and legend to find out their real identity and mutual relationship.
3.2 Sarasvati river
In the Mahabharata the Rishi Sarasvata is represented as being, the son of the personified river Sarasvati. In a time of great drought he was fed with fish by his mother and so was enabled to keep up his knowledge of the Vedas, while other Brahmans were reduced to such straits for the means of subsistance that study was neglected and the Vedas were lost. When the drought was over, the Brahmans flocked to him for instruction from him. "This legend" says, Wilson "appears o indicate to revival, or, more probably, the introduction of the Hindu ritual by the race of Brahmans, or the people called Sarasvats", who dwelt near the Sarasvati river.
3.3 Sarasvati goddess
Sarasvati has been described primarily a river, in the Vedas, but is celebrated in hymns both as a river and a deity. As a river goddess, she is lauded for fertilising and purifying powers of her waters, and as the bestower of fertility, fatness and wealth. Her position as Vach, the goddess of speech, finds no mention in the Rig-Veda, but is recognised by the Brahmanas and the Mahabharata. Dr Muir endeavours to account for her acquisition of this character. He says, "when once the river had acquired a divine character, it was quite natural that she should be regarded as the patroness of the ceremonies which were celebrated on the margin of her holy waters and that her direction and blessing should be invoked as essential to their proper performance and success. The connection into which she was thus brought with sacred rites may have led to the further step of imagining her to have an influence on the composition of the hymns which formed so important a part of the proceedings, and of identifying her with Vach, the goddess of speech''.
3.4 Religious Practices
It is thus clear, that the Sarasvats of Kashmir are in no way different from the Sarasvats of plains, so far as their origin is concerned. But there is a wide difference in their religious beliefs and social customs. The earliest inhabitants of Kashmir, probably, cherished some aboriginal beliefs the details of which are not traceable now, the Naga worship being one of them. After the fall of Buddhism, in Kashmir, the Shaivism with all the vigour was re-introduced. Though exact date and circumstances leading to the introduction of Shaivism in the valley are shrouded in a mystery, yet the archaeologists have discovered traces of Shiva worship to the remote past. "It is not known, whether the Shiva of Kashmir was an immigrant from the neighbouring Indus valley or was of local origin. The conception of Rudra-Shiva of the Vedic Aryans perhaps might have had some influence on the development and early growth of Shaivism in the valley. . . whatever might have been the origin of Shaivism in Kashmir there is no doubt that Shiva as a popular deity was widely worshipped in the valley from a remote past." Early Shaivism was of the Pasupati cult. Mahabharata states that the doctrine of Pasupata was preached first by Shiva Srikantha. He was regarded in the valley as the promulgator of Shivagama or Agamanta Shaivism which included within itself system of Pasupata. Pasupati is one of many names of Rudra, who is believed to be the 'lord of creatures'. Kashmiris have been, thus, worshipping the Lord Shiva in the form of Maha Rudra, the Lord of all Rudras.
3.5 Rudra
Rudra has been defined as a 'howler or roarer; the terrible', 'the rudy one'. In the Vedas Rudra has many attributes and many names. He is the howling terrible god, the god of storms, the father of the Rudras or Maruts and is sometimes identified with the god of fire. On the one hand, he is a destructive deity who brings diseases upon men and cattle, and upon the other he is a beneficent deity supposed to have a healing influence. These are the germs which afterwards developed into the god Siva. It is worthy of note that Rudra is first called Maha-deva in the white Yajurveda. As applied to the god Shiva, the name of Rudra generally designates him in his destructive character.
In the Brihadaranyakaupanishada the Rudras are the vital breaths (Praa), the heart (Manas) being the eleventh. Their number is often discrepently given as three, seven, or eleven, sometimes even more. ln some legends, the Rudras are the seven manifestations of the god Rudra. According to the vishnupurana, Rudra sprang from a drop of blood which fell into the fire when Brahma once scratched himself as he wiped the perspiration from his brow with a piece of sacrificial wood. Brahma commanded Rudra to divide himself into male and female, then to multiply into eleven beings, and of these some were black and ferocious and some white and gentle. They were (i) Mrigvyadha, (ii) Sarpa, (iii) Nirriti, (iv) A Jaikapada, (v) Ahirbudhnya, (vi) Pinakin, (vii) Dahana, (vii) Kapalin, (Skull holding, a name also given to Shiva), (ix) Sthanu, (x) Bhaga and (xi) Tryambaka. In other legends again the eleven Rudras are the sons of the rishi Kashyapa by Surabhi.
Yet another legend relates that a Brahmin desired a son, and a youth appeared to him. When the Brahmin asked his name the youth wept and the Brahman named him Rudra, 'weeper'. The lad wept seven times more and was given seven more names: Bhava, Sarqa, Isana, Pashupati, Bhima, Ugra, Mahadeva.
Rudra's essential importance lies in the fact that in later mythology he evolved into Shiva and grew to great prominence in the Hindu Pantheon. Generally the name Rudra when applied to Shiva denotes Shiva's destructive character.
3.6 Sakti Worship
Besides worshipping Lord Shiva in his Rudra form, Kashmiri Pandits are devout worshippers of the Sakti, the consort of Shiva. Each family alleges its devotion and allegiance to one of the three manifestations of the goddess Durga e.g., Sharika, Ragiya and Jawala. Various religious rites performed by the Pandits of Kashmir are said to be according to Charanaia Kathka School. The Sutras of Laguksha follow this school and guide all the rites from birth to death. Moreover, certain aboriginal beliefs and practices like, Yaksha Puja, Daittya Puja etc., are also observed strictly. Census report of 1911 refers Kashmiri Pandits as Shakites or Tantrikas and later Western scholars have also referred to a host of Tantarik practices being followed by them. Tantara is said to be a later religious development. Prominence is given to the female energy of the deity, his active nature being personified in the person of his Sakti. Tantaras are generally devoted to one of the manifold forms of Devi, the Sakti of Shiva, "Devi, as the Sakti of Shiva, is the especial energy concerned with sexual intercourse and magical powers''. The Tantaric worship of Kashmiris seems to have been more influenced by the Vamachar than by the Dakshanachar (a more decent form). Speaking satirically about the performance of the Brahmanas, Kshemendara writes, "Being addicted to Vamachar, bent upon taking wine; having set at naught the piety of his clan, with a plate of fish meat in his hand; he comes reading for scriptures".
However, the Tantaric practices in Kashmir, in spite of being Vamachari, did not degenerate to such a low level as they did elsewhere in India. Dayanand Saraswati, speaking on Garwal Tantaras, writes that incest even with mothers, daughters, sisters and low-born maids of outcastes was practised. Worship of gods was done in a perfectly nude state. Madhya (liquor), Meena (fish), Mans (flesh), Mudra (naked worshipping) and Maithuna (sexual intercourse) were considered as the best means of salvation.
4 Social Organisation
Socially Kashmiri Pandits are divided into 199 exagamous sections (gotras). The founders of these gotras are said to be some Rishis or an inspired saint. The social prestige of a group used to be determined by the spiritual superiority of the founder of the group (i.e., gotra). But in reality the social position is determined by the occupation followed by a certain family. An occupation promising better material prospects, leaving aside certain 'dagi' occupations to which an unreasonable hatred has been developed through generations, command more social respect and prestige. A fast reformation is taking place in the Pandit outlook of occupations. Government Service, till recently, was considered to be the best of all. But with the rapid growth of industries and private sector, and also the indirect restrictions imposed on Government Service for Pandits, they are increasingly flocking towards private sector. Moreover, the private sector employment promises better avenues of promotion and reward of the talent. Various Government enactments and labour laws have made these private sector jobs more secure than even the Government jobs. Trade and commerce are also now preferred to the Government jobs and age-old apathy is giving way to more and more enthusiasm to enter those fields. Development of tourism and allied industries has brought this welcome change in their age-old rusted thinking. However, old habits died hard and it will take another one or two generations to emancipate them fully from the old prejudices and complexes.
4.1 Gotras
Brahmanas all over India considered themselves superior to all other castes and creeds. They prided on their divine origin. It is said that once a Brahmana was performing a sacrifice, there came forth from it the Seven Rishis - Bhrign, Angiras, Marichi, Atri, Paulaha, Pulastya and Vasistha. The Brahmanical sects were likewise supposed to derive their origin from seven Rishis, though not exactly the seven just named of whom the fifth, Paulaha, brought forth demons (Raksasas), and the sixth, Pulastya, devils (Pisachas), while the seventh Vasistha, died and appeared again as a descendant of Marichi. Then, as Bhrign and Angiras, owning to their mythical character, could not properly be represented as founders of families, their place is taken in the Brahmanical theory by other three ancestors, Bhrign being superseded by Jamadagni, and the Angiras by Gautaina and Bhardvaja. In the Satpatha Brahmana, accordingly the seven Rhisis enumerated as ancestors are Gautama, Bhardvaja, Visvamitra, Jamadagni, Vasistha, Kashyapa and Atri. To these traditions add an eighth, Agastya, and thus the Brahmanical clans (Gotras) are in reality traced to eight ancestors. These rank as Gotrakarins - the founders of numerous Brahmanical families, and their descendants are the various gotras.
4.2 Number of Gotras
There has been a considerable difference of opinion regarding the exact number of gotras at a given time. Mahabharata restricts their number to four only. But Bodhyana raises the number to eight. He, at the same time, describes their number in crores with forty-nine Pravaras. He recognises the descendants of Visvamitra, Jamadagni, Bhardvaja, Gautama, Atri, Vasistha, Kashyapa, and Agastya as the real gotras. A pravara contains three or five most ancient (Mantardrashta) rishis like eight gotra founders. Modern scholars are also not having any unanimity of views regarding the number of gotras. Mr. Rao holds that the original eight families of Gotrakarins were supplemented by ten more and that the latter consisted of Brahmanas who had for a time followed the vocations of Kshatriyas and had become Brahmins again, regarding themselves as descended either from Bhrign or from Angiras. Mr. Venkatarama states the number of Rhisis as seven. Four of them are human beings. But eighteen groups arose out of these four ...Ten out of eighteen families were of the Ksatriya origin. Bhrgu took into his fold four Ksatriyas who were also makers of hymns. "Kashmiri Brahmins are said to have originaly belonged to only six gotras, viz., Dattatreya, Bhardwaja, Paledeva, Mudgalya and Dhaumyayana. By intermarriage with other Brahmins the number of gotras multiplied to 199." Census Report of 1911 states the number of gotras of Kashmiri Pandits to be 133 and describes them the direct descendant of Kashyapa Rishi. There is a note in the margin saying that the original gotras did not exceed six and the remaining 127 gotras came into existence due to intermixture with other Brahmans. Mr. Ganjoo does not agree with the remarks of Census report of 1911. He states, "this is a very sweeping remark which is not corroborated by any historical fact. Each and every Kashmiri Brahman traces his descent from a particular Rishi or inspired saint whose name they bear as their own Gotra. Kashyapa was one of the Rishis who made the valley habitable and Kashmiri Brahmans do not believe to have descended from him."
5 Rishi
It would not be out of place to have a brief introduction with the real character of some of the Gotrakarin Rishis and the role they played in the social life of yore. The origin of the term 'Rishi' is not certain. Some derive it from the term Ras, 'Yell', while others consider it to have originated from a word meaning 'flow'. In Sanskrit literature, the term is applied to a Sage, Patriarch, Cellestial Poet, Wizard and Mage, and in general a rishi was an elder possessed of extraordinary power and wisdom.
Puranas describe him as a lover of solitude living in a forest or a mountain either alone or with a small group consisting of his family and disciples. His home was known as an 'Ahrama'.
5.1 Kinds
Several kinds of rishis are distinguished, such as Prajapati, Saptrishi, Siddamanu, Natha, Pitri, and so on. These designations are sometimes used inter- changeably, and a Maharishi, may be a Prajapati or Saptrishi or a Brahma Rishi. Our study being limited to Brahmans, a brief introduction of Brahmarishi may be given.
5.2 Brahmarishi
The Brahma created sages, also called the Divja-Rishis, (twice born Sages). They are the reputed founders of the Brahman gotras. Brahmarishis figure prominently in the community system of brahmin families. There is a great deal of inconsistency about them. They are variously and confusingly listed in Brahmanas, Epics and Puranas, but seven or eight traditional Brahmarishis are generally named from among the following: Agastya (non-Aryan in name and appearance): Angiras (either Persian or Dravidian); Attri (tribal priest of out c:aste races); Bhardvaja: Bhirgu (founder of Bhargavas); Jamadagni: Kanva, Kashyapa (non-Aryan progenitor of pre-Aryan tribes): Vasistha; Marichi, Pulastya; Pulaha; Kratu; Gautama.
5.3 Character
Many rishis are born in extra-ordinary circumstances. In origin the rishis came from diverse stock. Some were Brahmans; many were of pre-Aryan, native origin. A few rishis used their power for good, and their presence removed diseases or drought. But as rule they were a thoroughly irascible lot and unrelenting in their vengeance. The rishis' wrath is a favourite theme in Sanskrit literature.
5.4 Bhardvaja
A Rishi to whom many Vedic hymns are attributed. He was the son of Brahaspati and father of Drona, the preceptor of the Pandavas. The Taittiriya Brahmana says that "he lived through three lives" (Probably meaning a life of great length), and that he became immortal and ascended to the heavenly world, to union with the Sun". In the Mahabharata he is represented as living at Hardwar; in the Ramayana he received Rama and Sita in his hermitage at Prayaga, which was then and afterwards much celebrated. According to some of the Puranas and the Hari-vansa, he became by gift or adoption the son of King Bharata, and an absurd story is told about his birth to account for his name: His mother, the wife of Utathya, was pregnant by her husband and by Brihaspati. Dirgha-tamas, the son of her husband, kicked his half brother out of the womb before his time, when Brihaspati said to his mother, 'Bhara-dwa-Jam' 'cherish this child of two fathers'.
5.5 Mudgala
A Vedic Rishi from whom the Mudgalya Brahmans sprang. There were several other Brahmans named Mudgala. A Sage of this name is recorded in the Mahabharata to have "lived a life of poverty, piety and self-restraint, offering hospitality to thousands of Brahmans, according to his humble means, with the grain which he gleaned like a pigeon, and which never under went diminution, or rather increased again, when it was required." The choleric sage Durvasa went to test the patience of Mudgala, and six times devoured all the food which his host possessed without ruffling his temper. Durvasa in his admiration declared that Mudgala would go bodily to heaven, and the messenger of the gods arrived with his heavenly car. The sage, before accepting the invitation, desired to be informed of the joys and ills of heaven. After hearing a full explanation, he found that the enjoyments of heaven must come to a close, so he declared that he "had no desire for heaven, and would seek only that eternal abode where there is no sorrow, nor distress, nor change." He dismissed the messenger of the gods, and began to practise ascetic virtues, becoming indifferent to praise and blame, regarding clod, gold, stones, and gold as alike. Pure knowledge led to fixed contemplation; and that again imparted strength and complete comprehension, whereby he obtained supreme eternal perfection in the nature of quietude (Nirvana.)
5.6 Dattatriya
He is a trinity in unity of Brahma, Visnu and Siva, representing the principles of creation, sustenance, and dissolution of the Universe. He is a son of Atri and Ansuya. He had three sons, Soma, Datta and Durvasas, to whom also a portion of the divine essence was transmitted. He was the patron of Kartavirya, and gave him a thousand arms.
Pandit Dinanath Madan has published a fanciful story about the origin of Dattatriya in Bahari Kashmir. Its Urdu version has been included by Mr. Fauq in his 'Twarikhi Akwami Kashmir' as follows:
"Varsha Attri was a famous Sanskrit scholar living in a village of Baramullah, much before the war of Mahabharata. His famous book 'Attri Dharma Sastra' is still available in the country. He had three sons, Dattatriya, Durvasa and Soma. Dattatriya is a combination of two words, Datt plus Attriya. Attri along with his wife, once went on a pilgrimage to the Central India, and reached to a place known as Chitrakot. Those were the days of Lord Rama's exile. It is at this place that he had the privilege of being Sri Rama's guest.
Dattatriya received his initial education in Kashmir, but with the coming of youth, he like his father left his home touring and travelling Northern India. There are a number of places in Central and Western India where he is supposed to have stayed for sometime. He met Parasar Rishi and Vamadeva at Badrak Ashram in the Himalayas. Maharaja Prahlad and Yadvan had the privilege of receiving his Upadesha.
Dattatriya had a huge and powerful body and lived for a long time. He had many sons. His descendants are Kouls of Kashmir settled in and outside the valley Dattatriya Brahmans are found in Maharashtra and Deccan also. They are also his descendants. They are generally called Marhatta Brahmins but the word Dattatriya is written as a prefix to their names."
6 Gotras in Vedas
Reference to the word Gotra in the Vedic literature is very infrequent. Rigveda refers to it only at a few places and among them it has been referred to as a mountain and a cloud, at four places. Gotra has mostly heen used in prayers to Indra. There is a considerable difference of opinion among scholars regarding the real connotation of the word 'gotra' as used in the Vedas. Some consider it as a 'cowshed' while others connect it with a group. "The use of word Gotra in the Vedas has not been made in its current connotation. It often stood for a cowshed or group". The earliest reference to its usage in the modern sense is found in Chhandogyaupanisada, where an Acharya (teacher) asks the name of gotra of Safyakama". Institution of gotras had been fully established by the time of Buddha, because Buddhist and Jaina literature makes frequent references to it.
6.1 Sociological Meaning
Ancient battles were not fought to establish a power balance between different nations, but were on the other hand fought for seizure of good pastures and grazing grounds. Lifting away of cattle was also a common phenomenon. Naturally the 'cowsheds' were guarded with great care and these 'cowsheds' took the form of forts. Inmates of a certain cowshed were later on called the members of that particular 'gotra' (cowshed). One who possessed more number of cattles assumed the leadership of the gotra. Visvamitra, Vasistha etc., were in fact the big cowherds, who later on became the founders of different gotras. Some outsiders were also allowed to graze their cattle in these pastures and with the passing of time they were also known by the name of the gotra under which they had taken shelter. This did not mean that they were one of the descendants of Yisvamitra or Vasistha, but having lived very close to them they developed a sense of kinship towards that gotra.
"In ancient times Indian family, even when - in consequence of its numerical increase - its property had been greatly subdivided, would still continue to use and occupy jointly the land reserved for grazing cattle, and we may, therefore, conclude it is said, that the Brahmanical Gotra was in its origin - simply a community of this kind i.e. a family whose members enjoyed joint rights in a particular pasturage". Ganjoo disagreelng with this hypothesis says that it does not account for most characteristic features of the gotra, which in fact, can be explained only by comparison with the Gots of the aboriginal tribes in India.
7 Intermarriages
Marriage between the members of same gotra has been disallowed by most of the Hindu Law-givers. Aryans made it obligatory to marry within one's own caste but not the gotra. Marriages within the same gotra were not prohibited in India alone but were looked down upon in other parts of the world too. Wherever the gotra system was not in vogue, the tottem of the tribe was brought into use to separate one group from the other. Origin of this practice of prohibiting marriage within the same gotra is shrouded in mystery. Diverse views have been forwarded by many scholars as the probable reasons. Some scholars believe that the number of girls was less than the number of boys in ancient times. This led to forbidding of intermarriage within same gotra. Others hold that this practice came into vogue to stop the free sex within a tribe, but many believe the absence of mutual sexual attraction among the members of the same clan to be a probable reason. Etkinson believes that the chief of a tribe in ancient world, used to reserve every young girl of the tribe for his own use, compelling, thus, the young men of the tribe to find their brides outside the tribe. This became a practice in the long run. The more palusible reasons have been forwarded by Dr. Pande who says that the youngmen of a tribe would go to distant lands in search of pastures and other means of livelihood, which brought them into direct contact with girls of other tribes. Thus giving birth to a system of inter-gotra marriage, which won the public approval in the long run." Manu recommends to a twice-born boy only such a girl who is not related by blood on her mother's side, and does not belong to the same gotra on his father's. Apastamba forbades a father to give his daughter to a man of the same gotra as himself, while Gautama and Vasistha permit marriage only between those who have not the same Pravara. The principle of 'same gotra' is very seldom observed in the marriages of Kashmiri Pandits nowadays. However, the principle of Sapindi is still respected by all. Practically the prohibition of marriage between the members of same gotra is an anachronism. Numerically the Pandit community being very small, the forbiding of 'Sagotra' marriages will create many social problems than solve any of them.
8 Brahmanism in Ancient Kashmir
Pandits of Kashmir, popularly known as 'Bhatta' all belong to Brahrmana 'Varana'. Bhatta is the Prakrit form of the Sanskrit Bhariri which means 'scholar', 'doctor' or the same as Pandit. Caste system of ancient Kashmir included in itself besides four Varnas many castes and sects such as Chandala, Bomba, Damara, Nishada, Kirata, Kayastha and Tantrin, etc. That the casteism in Kashmir was much more flexible than in other parts of India is proved beyond doubt by Kalhana's Raj Tarangini. Brahmans were the uppermost caste of the valley. The origin of Brahmanism in Kashmir is not very clear, but there is ample evidence to show that a large majority of them consisted of the immigrants from the plains of India. "Abhinavagupta and Bilhana's ancestors were Madhyadesi Brahmanas whereas the ancestors of Abhinanda . . . hailed from Gawda... The earliest inscriptional reference of the Brahmanas occur in the edict of Asoka, where they have been mentioned as one of the most important classes among the population of the Maurya empire. Since the valley of Kashrnir was included within Ashokas empire, it is not quite unlikely that the Brahmana's from other parts of India had come to live in Kashmir by the time of Ashoka The Raj Tarangini refers to Brahmanas who had come to Kashmir from Aryadesa. The descendants of these immigrants seem to have composed the bulk of Brahmana population of Kashmi.
8.1 Buhur
Present Hindu population of Kashmir camprises of, besides Pandits, one or two minority groups viz., Buhur and Purbi. The origin of Buhrs and Purbis is not certain. Many contradictory theories have been advanced. Lavrence describes Buhrs to be of Khatri origin, while many Pandits maintain that they are the descendants of those Pandits who lost their caste during the Muslim rule. Many others believe them to be the traders of Punjab who came to settle down in Kashmir along with other Kashmiris during the benevolent rule of Zainulabdin. Census report of 1891 states that their customs and habits prove them the sons of soil of Kashmir. Buhr's consider themselves to be the true specimen of Kashmiri Pandits belonging to Malmasi division. They declare their gotras as following: Bharadwaj, Vasistha, Kapil, Shandli etc. Mr. Fauq while quoting Alberoni and Secretary Buhra Sudhar Sabha, says that a group of Kashmiri Pandits, used to go to the plains of India for trade, during the Hindu rule. Naturally they would interdine with the non-Kashmiri Hindus. This religious unorthodoxy was resented to by the Pandits and a complaint was lodged with the King. The King is said to have declared these traders a separate community by the name of 'Bakshar', which in the long-run took the form of Buhur. Mr. T. N. Madan holds the view that their "Khatri origin is more probable as the Bohra are found only in Urban areas and their traditional occupation is trade and shopkeeping. In fact the word Buhur is often used in Kashmir in the sense of a grocer". Pandit Anand Koul calls them by the name of Lejbhetta. He says, "during the Mohammadan rule some Brahmins were given option to either submit to the sword or take food prepared by a Musalman. They naturally quivered at the prospect of death and unwillingly accepted the later alternative, but in their anguish to reduce the pollution to its minimum, made the Musalman cook boil rice in a new lej or earthen pot and when ready they took the lej with their own hands and reluctantly ate it. They afterwards expaciated for the forcible pollution by performing Prayaschitta but still the Biradari, who were punctilious as ever, ostracised them". Their descendants are called Lej Bhettas because their ancestors having taken food cooked by a Mohammadan in a lej. Bohars on the other hand claim that their parents had to feign themselves as Muslims under compelling circumstances and these fake Muslims gave refuge to the traditional eleven families of Pandits, who later on belonged to Malmasi division. These fake Muslims came back to their original religion as soon as congenial political atmosphere was restored, but look at the irony of the fate, the saviours of a community were declared outcastes by the short-seighted and fanatic members of the same community.
However, the Buhurs are being gradually assimilated into Pandit culture. Inter-dining has become a common feature but the inter-marriages are still an exception rather than the rule.
8.2 Purbi
Another minority group among Hindus of Kashmir is known as Purbi. They have been described as a Sambo Caste, having come into existence either by Anuloma or Pratiloma form of marriage. Pandit Anand Koul calls them an illegitimate offspring of a Brahmana and a Khatri couple. It is too harsh to call them illegitimate. The Pratiloma and Anuloma form of marriages are well recognised by ancient law-givers. Their offspring can by no means be illegitimate. Prof. Madan, however is of the view, which seems to be more correct, that they are descendants of those immigrant Brahmanas who came to Kashmir from Chamba valley in the East Punjab several hundred years ago. They used to prefix the word 'Pandit' to their names, as would be done by Bhattas themselves.
8.3 Gor and Kar Kun
With the ascendance of Zain-UI-ab-din to the throne of Kashmir, the tide of communalism and fanaticism subsided, opening a new era of peace and progress. Hindus were freed from the shackles of Jazia and other disabilities were removed. Pandits, thus, started to reorganise and rehabilitate themselves. "By now the Persian had become the official language. The desire to share office with others could not be fulfilled without a study of Persian. The Brahmans took to the study of Persian and in a brief span of a few years they acquired a mastery over this language. But the Sanskrit learning and their religious ceremonies were not forgotten because this was the only distinctive feature to keep them alive as a separate group...The caste was divided further into two sub-castes, the Karkuns and the Basha Bhattas (Gor), the former included amongst its fold those who studied Persian and entered Government service and the latter those who studied Basha i.e., Sanskrit and took charge of the religious affairs of the community. But how was the division of labour to be made? It was decided that a daughter's son of a person should be made a Basha Bhatta to administer to the religious needs of his maternal grandfather's family. The arrangement was simple enough as it began involving no loss of status to the Basha Bhatta, but in course of time this arrangement became responsible for the creation of two distinct classes with a distinctive culture and mode of life and habits with the result though there is no legal or religious bar, yet the two classes seldom inter-marry these days . . .The rise and fall of the Karkun made a corresponding increase or decrease in Basha Bhatta's economic position.." Socially, because of their economic dependence upon them (Karkuns), they (Gor) in course of time came to be looked down upon by the Karkuns."
Karkun Pandits being economically well off have become arrogant and status conscious. Though outward reverence is shown to a Gor, yet he is considered inauspicious and greedy. After Independence, an increasing number of Gors have been opting for Government and other secular jobs. English education instead of Sanskrit education has caught their fancy. This has decreased the number of professional Gors alarmingly. That time may not be far away when a Karkun Pandit will have either to learn the religious scriptures himself, or will have to fare goodbye to all the Karma Kanda for ever.
8.4 Pandits
Some Karkuns, during Sikh rule, are said to have rededicated themselves to the study of Sanskrit and religion, without taking up the priestly duties. They were called Pandits. Those who were well-versed in astrology and drew up calendars and almanacs were known as Jyotshi. Presiding priest of Shiva Worship were called Gurrins and receivers of alms and offerings at the funeral of a Karkun were called as Panyechh. They were untouchables both for a Karkun and a Gor and were found to be in the city of Srinagar alone.
8.5 Banamasi and Malamasi
The oppressive Muslim rule failed to teach any worthwhile lesson to Kashmiri Pandits. As soon as the normalcy was restored and the self-exiled Pandits began to re-habilitate themselves in the valley they (Pandits) divided themselves again into two groups viz., Malamasi and Banamasi. Socially this division uas inconsequential, still it was adopted to indicate the immigrants and those who did not leave the valley. The Malamasi Pandits follow the lunar calendar and the Banamasis observe the solar months. This has given birth to the absurd practice of observing two Shiv Ratris, two Janmashtamis etc., a phenomenon unknown to rest of India.
8.6 Surnames
The use of surnames in ancient Kashmir is negligible, Present Kashmiri surnames have more or less evolved during the Muslim and Sikh rule. It is stated that almost all the Kashmiri Pandits were Koul's and they were later on subdivided according to different nicknames and with the passage of time, these nicknames became permanent surnames. There seems to be some truth in this statement primarily because all the Kashmiri Pandits are Shaivites and Mahakoul is one of the names of Lord Shiva, and secondly because the number of nicknames even now attached with the surname Koul is largest of all. Moreover, in recent years the use of nicknames is being progressively discarded and the surname Koul is being adopted more than any ther surname by almost all such people.
Excerpts from:
Sociology of Names and Nicknames of
India with special reference to Kashmir
by Ram Krishen Kaul                                                                


Kashmiri Pandits
Pandits are perceived to be true nationalists upholding culture, ethos, music and tradition of kashmir. A 100% literate community contributed a lot towards educating people and promoting Kashmir culture locally and on international level. A miniscule minority with a bureaucratic background always played a negative role, allowing themselves to be exploited by their connections in respective Governments of India and its intelligence agencies. The political upheaval starting in 1989 was the turning point for Pandits as the known trouble shooter of Turkmangate notoriety, Mr Jagmohan, imposed ex-Governor of Kashmir manipulated the migration of Pandit community en masse and to this day Pandits are suffering in hell like situations in Jammu, Samba and Nagrota.

It is very unfortunate that these few people, economically very sound, very well placed in key posts in Government of India or settled comfortably internationally are busy sabotaging the peaceful co-existence of Kashmiris and this can be gauged by surfing Internet to witness the spiteful propaganda unleashed which is very distressing. Even Sir Walter Lawrence is misquoted and lies attributed to him.
The fact remains that Abdul Rehman known as Bulbul Shah and later Mir Syed Ali Hamadani, Sufi Saints with their spiritual and intellectual powers converted the Budhist king Rinchen followed by a huge majority of Budhists and Pandits to Islam. These Sufi Saints were armed with a Staff and few desciples. Kashmiri Pandit community knows the fact and that is why Pandits rever and hold these Sufi Saints in very high esteem. However, Pandits, it must be added are the inseparable part of Kashmir and the political will on the part of India and Pakistan will pave the way for them to go back to their respective homes to live a peaceful life as ever before.
"False burns to nothing and the truth becomes true."
This daughter of Kashmir equipped with far-reaching, far-seeing intellectual prowess, beautifully presents her memoirs pearled in "the tiger ladies". The lady adds flavor by decorating her carefully selected vocabulary with phrases like “unmoving symmetrical breasts, phallic symbols, prostitutes etc.” to generate interest and keep both Indian and western reader in good stead.
Sudha ji being a product of learned caste Brahmins did not have to convert to Islam because she belonged to the elite group of administrators. All other Pandits reverted with the Buddhist King Rinchen en-masse reducing the majority to a minuscule minority, and that is beside the point.
One is moved to see the close relationship the author has with ‘Izmat’ and this feeling for each other irrespective of religious differences is what is required for "most of us to carry on hoping for the best, or sometimes even the impossible, a resolution to everyone’s satisfaction." But then the huge task is to find a solution to please all concerned and maintaining a status-quo that suits a small minority cannot be a viable solution.
Sudha Ji is fortunate to be part of the pack that has always been in the limelight, be it Maharaja Hari Singh’s Prime Minister Ram Chand Kak, Maharaja’s before or later or under respective imposed governments on Kashmir by India. This selected few later spread from Delhi to Kanyakumari to infiltrate and occupy the key and important posts and the departments. "I was appointed lecturer at women’s college. I have become the first Kashmiri women to be selected to the Indian Administrative Service at the age of 25". Having Boab jis, Papa jis , Kotrus, Kouls and Dhars at the helm, it would rather be easy to facilitate entry into any institution or sit for any competitive examination to get through and get selected, all done and dusted. How many Mohammedus, Habibas or Psoriasis-ravaged head farmers were provided with the opportunity to have IAS assisted though now they are spread round the world doing wonderfully well as Doctors, Engineers, Scientists and Economists, even excelling in new subjects like nanotechnology?
Ms Koul prefers the name tiger as she is fundamentally, emotionally attached and fancies the Tiger deity, goddess Durga. perhaps inadvertently brackets the first leader of Kashmiris Sheikh Abdullah as Tiger of Kashmir, though till 1982 he was popularly known as the "Lion of Kashmir" and will be a Lion to historians for all times to come. Kashmiris cannot produce another Sheikh Abdullah for the next one thousand years. The historical blunder of trust he reposed in Pandit Nehru tarnished his image and blemished his name that would, otherwise, be written in gold letters
Where on earth, other than Kashmir, would one enjoy luxuries provided by these"Psoriasis-ravaged head farmers, with bits of mud caked on toes" to fill the granaries that too for a "cup of tea and local bagels served by Muslim servants". It is only in Kashmir that "Mohammedu, at night, could bring a terra-cota basin of salted hot water, wash and pumice the feet of young girls before retiring to their beds, to prevent chilblains". The statement "My grandfather was not a wealthy man, but he lived a rich life." quite befitting reveals volumes.
"Hindus (pandits) habitually garnish their food with asafetida [asafoetida], which many believe comes from pig's feet." Basically this herb has some religious connotations as it is believed to be the food of the gods and is also known as the devil’s dung. Muslims, on the contrary, use garlic for this purpose and is believed to have an aphrodisiac effect which causes the arousal of the mood of sexual desire
"Pakistan has sent the raiders to Kashmir, Kabailis (Pathan tribesmen, angles of doom) are strangers as they do not understand our language and they are foreigners to us. We call Sheikh Abdullah "The Tiger of Kashmir. The Tiger does not really care for Pakistan and joins free India." Ms Sudha’s Tiger was no where in the picture and joining ‘free India’ was a conspiracy hatched by Nehru, Patel and this British-Indian groomed bureaucrat V.P.Menon with the blessings of Lord Mountbatten to coerce, intimidate and threaten Maharaja Hari Singh to sign the instrument of accession and that too when he (Maharaja) had fled to Jammu. It is on record that after getting the paper signed from Maharaja, V.P.Menon returns to Delhi on October 26, 1947 and flashes out the paper before a gathering saying "the b*****d has signed the paper and now Kashmir is ours."Kashmiris as a whole have nothing in common with Indians. It would be interesting to know if Sudha Ji considers Indians as foreigners as well, as they do not understand our language or culture.
"Afghan frontiers-men penetrated the valley....we talked about how in 1947 the Indian army was called in to repel the Afghans." Pakistani’s Kabailis (Pathans) suddenly become Afghans and she goes on to add that "We sent the marauding Afghan tribesmen back in 1947. They had all come to liberate Kashmir from infidel rule, preaching abhorrence of saints and shrine worship, beauty and art, music and love poems, all of which were mother’s milk [maji dodh] to us Hindus and Muslims." While stressing the word "We" she does not mince the words and frankly says "Being Indian is a habit we cannot seem to shake off".
Sudha Ji cannot see Muslims anything other than a Mohammedu, Habiba, Psoriasis-ravaged head farmers or Tangawallas (Tanga in literal English means a frilled bikini) and she prefers to use Tanga as she knows this word has sinister connotations and avoids the name Tonga as this could easily be understood by her target readers of Hindu India and the English speaking Western world.
"The students only want Muslim professors. They threatened us Hindu staff members with dire consequences if we did not resign immediately. Amarnath says, some Muslim men have been arrested because they found a young Hindu boy in the lane next to ours with his stomach slit open and his guts pulled out. The poor fellow was returning home from college and his books lay scattered all over the street. Through the centuries Kashmiri Pandits have undergone several Diasporas to other parts of India because of intolerant foreign Muslim rulers. All Hindu homes are a prime target for destruction by burning, looting and desecration. One fateful day the valley bursts apart at the seams. Frenzied crowds and neighbors have pulled Kashmiri pandits out of their homes and then systematically raped the women in front of their husbands and children, brutally killed all the pandits who were left in the neighborhood, as they tried to take cover."
The above being a concoction, fabrication and figment of imagination, Sudha Ji fails to recognize the fact that over one hundred thousand Muslims stand butchered, hundreds of women raped, hundreds of localities turned into a mound of rubble and then humiliation, torture, loot and plunder, by more than one million strong Indian army, thrown as a bonus in Kashmiri Muslims lot. She also would plead ignorance for the fact that all criminal elements in the State prisons were let loose on local Muslim population, trained in counter-insurgency, equipped with Kalashnikovs and terrorize people to malign and defame militants fighting Indian army, this being plan B of this intriguer, Jagmohan.
"My daughter woke me up to say Mrs. Gandhi has been assassinated and later Rajiv Gandhi, only to be annihilated by a terrorist bomb." She very carefully and discreetly maintains silence by not telling the reader how these mother and son were assassinated as she realized that she will have to talk a lot more about Khalistan and Tamil Eelam "terrorists" and very conveniently manages to confuse the reader by throwing these assassinations in the Kashmir kitty.
"The government of India comes down ruthlessly but unsuccessfully on the militancy. It is letting everything go from bad to worse, and the hatred of the masses for Indian troops and their tactics multiplies. It is true, the talk of rebel Muslim boys being tortured, shot and then thrown into the lakes by government troops. ....Tip of the iceberg......They say that even at the worst of times, Mujahedeen leaders delivered Shivratri supplies to Pandits still living in Kashmir. Some say Muslim neighbors begged the Hindus not to leave but they had to. The self-determination that had been promised to Kashmiris by Nehru can longer be swept under the carpet"
Sudha Koul joins the bandwagon of Muslim Bashers:
Visiting her website, one cannot miss the link "terror in a Distant valley". Anyone interested would hit the link and what one comes across is this "littérateur" ‘Rushdie and his master pieces‘. Sudha ji in a very crafty manner talks about "satanic verses" etc giving an impression that she is overwhelmed with Rushdie’s ‘outstanding literary feats‘ and thinks she could inflict further pain to hit Muslims to derive sadistic pleasure. Again she has failed to realize that Muslims no longer feel this pain as they have understood the game plan and then these Muslim bashers have also understood that it has backfired resulting in more and more people accepting Islam. Sudha Ji has not been honest and fair for the services rendered by these Mohammedus, Habibas, Fatas or the hand of friendship extended by Izmat. One would simply wish Sudha Ji to come out of that cozy American environment and do something positive and create conducive atmosphere to help her hapless poor pundits go back to their respective homes and live comfortably with their Muslim brothers as before. Everyone wants this alien force out of Kashmir and that would and could be the only practical acceptable solution.
[ Italicized excerpts from Sudha Koul's "the tiger ladies"]

Kashmiri Pandits

Pandits are perceived to be true nationalists upholding culture, ethos, music and tradition of kashmir. A 100% literate community contributed a lot towards educating people and promoting Kashmir culture locally and on international level. A miniscule minority with a bureaucratic background always played a negative role, allowing themselves to be exploited by their connections in respective Governments of India and its intelligence agencies. The political upheaval starting in 1989 was the turning point for Pandits as the known trouble shooter of Turkmangate notoriety, Mr Jagmohan, imposed ex-Governor of Kashmir manipulated the migration of Pandit community en masse and to this day Pandits are suffering in hell like situations in Jammu, Samba and Nagrota.
.....I came here in end July that too when ´security people´ at Karan Nagar forced us to leave more
It is very unfortunate that these few people, economically very sound, very well placed in key posts in Government of India or settled comfortably internationally are busy sabotaging the peaceful co-existence of Kashmiris and this can be gauged by surfing Internet to witness the spiteful propaganda unleashed which is very distressing. Even Sir Walter Lawrence is misquoted and lies attributed to him.
The fact remains that Abdul Rehman known as Bulbul Shah and later Mir Syed Ali Hamadani, Sufi Saints with their spiritual and intellectual powers converted the Budhist king Rinchen followed by a huge majority of Budhists and Pandits to Islam. These Sufi Saints were armed with a Staff and few desciples. Kashmiri Pandit community knows the fact and that is why Pandits rever and hold these Sufi Saints in very high esteem. However, Pandits, it must be added are the inseparable part of Kashmir and the political will on the part of India and Pakistan will pave the way for them to go back to their respective homes to live a peaceful life as ever before.
"False burns to nothing and the truth becomes true."
This daughter of Kashmir equipped with far-reaching, far-seeing intellectual prowess, beautifully presents her memoirs pearled in "the tiger ladies". The lady adds flavor by decorating her carefully selected vocabulary with phrases like “unmoving symmetrical breasts, phallic symbols, prostitutes etc.” to generate interest and keep both Indian and western reader in good stead.
Sudha ji being a product of learned caste Brahmins did not have to convert to Islam because she belonged to the elite group of administrators. All other Pandits reverted with the Buddhist King Rinchen en-masse reducing the majority to a minuscule minority, and that is beside the point.
One is moved to see the close relationship the author has with ‘Izmat’ and this feeling for each other irrespective of religious differences is what is required for "most of us to carry on hoping for the best, or sometimes even the impossible, a resolution to everyone’s satisfaction." But then the huge task is to find a solution to please all concerned and maintaining a status-quo that suits a small minority cannot be a viable solution.
Sudha Ji is fortunate to be part of the pack that has always been in the limelight, be it Maharaja Hari Singh’s Prime Minister Ram Chand Kak, Maharaja’s before or later or under respective imposed governments on Kashmir by India. This selected few later spread from Delhi to Kanyakumari to infiltrate and occupy the key and important posts and the departments. "I was appointed lecturer at women’s college. I have become the first Kashmiri women to be selected to the Indian Administrative Service at the age of 25". Having Boab jis, Papa jis , Kotrus, Kouls and Dhars at the helm, it would rather be easy to facilitate entry into any institution or sit for any competitive examination to get through and get selected, all done and dusted. How many Mohammedus, Habibas or Psoriasis-ravaged head farmers were provided with the opportunity to have IAS assisted though now they are spread round the world doing wonderfully well as Doctors, Engineers, Scientists and Economists, even excelling in new subjects like nanotechnology?
Ms Koul prefers the name tiger as she is fundamentally, emotionally attached and fancies the Tiger deity, goddess Durga. perhaps inadvertently brackets the first leader of Kashmiris Sheikh Abdullah as Tiger of Kashmir, though till 1982 he was popularly known as the "Lion of Kashmir" and will be a Lion to historians for all times to come. Kashmiris cannot produce another Sheikh Abdullah for the next one thousand years. The historical blunder of trust he reposed in Pandit Nehru tarnished his image and blemished his name that would, otherwise, be written in gold letters
Where on earth, other than Kashmir, would one enjoy luxuries provided by these"Psoriasis-ravaged head farmers, with bits of mud caked on toes" to fill the granaries that too for a "cup of tea and local bagels served by Muslim servants". It is only in Kashmir that "Mohammedu, at night, could bring a terra-cota basin of salted hot water, wash and pumice the feet of young girls before retiring to their beds, to prevent chilblains". The statement "My grandfather was not a wealthy man, but he lived a rich life." quite befitting reveals volumes.
"Hindus (pandits) habitually garnish their food with asafetida [asafoetida], which many believe comes from pig's feet." Basically this herb has some religious connotations as it is believed to be the food of the gods and is also known as the devil’s dung. Muslims, on the contrary, use garlic for this purpose and is believed to have an aphrodisiac effect which causes the arousal of the mood of sexual desire
"Pakistan has sent the raiders to Kashmir, Kabailis (Pathan tribesmen, angles of doom) are strangers as they do not understand our language and they are foreigners to us. We call Sheikh Abdullah "The Tiger of Kashmir. The Tiger does not really care for Pakistan and joins free India." Ms Sudha’s Tiger was no where in the picture and joining ‘free India’ was a conspiracy hatched by Nehru, Patel and this British-Indian groomed bureaucrat V.P.Menon with the blessings of Lord Mountbatten to coerce, intimidate and threaten Maharaja Hari Singh to sign the instrument of accession and that too when he (Maharaja) had fled to Jammu. It is on record that after getting the paper signed from Maharaja, V.P.Menon returns to Delhi on October 26, 1947 and flashes out the paper before a gathering saying "the b*****d has signed the paper and now Kashmir is ours."Kashmiris as a whole have nothing in common with Indians. It would be interesting to know if Sudha Ji considers Indians as foreigners as well, as they do not understand our language or culture.
"Afghan frontiers-men penetrated the valley....we talked about how in 1947 the Indian army was called in to repel the Afghans." Pakistani’s Kabailis (Pathans) suddenly become Afghans and she goes on to add that "We sent the marauding Afghan tribesmen back in 1947. They had all come to liberate Kashmir from infidel rule, preaching abhorrence of saints and shrine worship, beauty and art, music and love poems, all of which were mother’s milk [maji dodh] to us Hindus and Muslims." While stressing the word "We" she does not mince the words and frankly says "Being Indian is a habit we cannot seem to shake off".
Sudha Ji cannot see Muslims anything other than a Mohammedu, Habiba, Psoriasis-ravaged head farmers or Tangawallas (Tanga in literal English means a frilled bikini) and she prefers to use Tanga as she knows this word has sinister connotations and avoids the name Tonga as this could easily be understood by her target readers of Hindu India and the English speaking Western world.
"The students only want Muslim professors. They threatened us Hindu staff members with dire consequences if we did not resign immediately. Amarnath says, some Muslim men have been arrested because they found a young Hindu boy in the lane next to ours with his stomach slit open and his guts pulled out. The poor fellow was returning home from college and his books lay scattered all over the street. Through the centuries Kashmiri Pandits have undergone several Diasporas to other parts of India because of intolerant foreign Muslim rulers. All Hindu homes are a prime target for destruction by burning, looting and desecration. One fateful day the valley bursts apart at the seams. Frenzied crowds and neighbors have pulled Kashmiri pandits out of their homes and then systematically raped the women in front of their husbands and children, brutally killed all the pandits who were left in the neighborhood, as they tried to take cover."
The above being a concoction, fabrication and figment of imagination, Sudha Ji fails to recognize the fact that over one hundred thousand Muslims stand butchered, hundreds of women raped, hundreds of localities turned into a mound of rubble and then humiliation, torture, loot and plunder, by more than one million strong Indian army, thrown as a bonus in Kashmiri Muslims lot. She also would plead ignorance for the fact that all criminal elements in the State prisons were let loose on local Muslim population, trained in counter-insurgency, equipped with Kalashnikovs and terrorize people to malign and defame militants fighting Indian army, this being plan B of this intriguer, Jagmohan.
"My daughter woke me up to say Mrs. Gandhi has been assassinated and later Rajiv Gandhi, only to be annihilated by a terrorist bomb." She very carefully and discreetly maintains silence by not telling the reader how these mother and son were assassinated as she realized that she will have to talk a lot more about Khalistan and Tamil Eelam "terrorists" and very conveniently manages to confuse the reader by throwing these assassinations in the Kashmir kitty.
"The government of India comes down ruthlessly but unsuccessfully on the militancy. It is letting everything go from bad to worse, and the hatred of the masses for Indian troops and their tactics multiplies. It is true, the talk of rebel Muslim boys being tortured, shot and then thrown into the lakes by government troops. ....Tip of the iceberg......They say that even at the worst of times, Mujahedeen leaders delivered Shivratri supplies to Pandits still living in Kashmir. Some say Muslim neighbors begged the Hindus not to leave but they had to. The self-determination that had been promised to Kashmiris by Nehru can longer be swept under the carpet"
Sudha Koul joins the bandwagon of Muslim Bashers:
Visiting her website, one cannot miss the link "terror in a Distant valley". Anyone interested would hit the link and what one comes across is this "littérateur" ‘Rushdie and his master pieces‘. Sudha ji in a very crafty manner talks about "satanic verses" etc giving an impression that she is overwhelmed with Rushdie’s ‘outstanding literary feats‘ and thinks she could inflict further pain to hit Muslims to derive sadistic pleasure. Again she has failed to realize that Muslims no longer feel this pain as they have understood the game plan and then these Muslim bashers have also understood that it has backfired resulting in more and more people accepting Islam. Sudha Ji has not been honest and fair for the services rendered by these Mohammedus, Habibas, Fatas or the hand of friendship extended by Izmat. One would simply wish Sudha Ji to come out of that cozy American environment and do something positive and create conducive atmosphere to help her hapless poor pundits go back to their respective homes and live comfortably with their Muslim brothers as before. Everyone wants this alien force out of Kashmir and that would and could be the only practical acceptable solution.
[ Italicized excerpts from Sudha Koul's "the tiger ladies"]                                                                                                       
Posted by : Vipul Koul                                                      Edited by : Ashok koul                      By :Kashmir News




The 16th of March, 1846 was the fateful day when Kashmir was sold by British to ruthless Maharajah Gulab Singh for a paltry sum of Rs.75,00,000.00 ( Rupees seventy five Lakhs ) which if converted at the current rate of exchange in Sterling Pounds amounts to a meager sum of approximately £ 93,750.00.
Gulab Singh entered capital city of Srinagar on November 9, 1846 and to give a brief introduction of Gulab Singh’s monstrous behavior, M L Kapur in his book ‘the history of jammu & Kashmir’ mentions the Maharajah in the following words “to quell the rebellion in Poonch and Chibbhal territory "Gulab Singh returning from Peshawar and after some desultory warfare, the rebels were completely routed. Many of them were captured, and treated with vengeance; their hands and feet were severed by axes, while skins of Mali Sabaz Ali, two of the close accomplices of Shams-ud-Din, were peeled off their bodies, and their heads were hung on gallows in a crossing as a warning to others. Hands were ultimately laid on the chief rebel as well, and his head was cut off." He further mentions "Examples of severity were thought necessary but the cruelties perpetrated by Gulab Singh both in this and in the other campaigns in which he has commanded have caused his name to be generally decried and execrated." Gulab Singh as a treacherous and licentious person is further described as “the Panchas applauded the talks with the Jammu Raja, (Gulab Singh) which went on for about a week; and during this period the latter entertained the former with "abundance of food, sweetmeats, drinks and women".
Gulab Singh sent Dewan Jawala Sahai to the British Camp “to represent that Jammu territory be granted as sustenance to his dependents.” The Dewan met Lawrence and Currie, who after discussing the whole matter with Hardinge, laid the condition that if the Maharajah paid the indemnity of one crore of rupees, the British would be willing to bestow on him the territories lying between the source of the Bias to the Sindh, including Kashmir and Hazara. Gulab Singh was, however, not in a position to pay such a heavy amount. He, therefore, suggested the exclusion from the grant the territory lying to the right band of the Bias and corresponding reduction in the amount demanded. This suggestion was accepted, rather welcomed by the British authorities. And in consideration of the exclusion of this territory, the amount of indemnity to be paid by Gulab Singh was reduced by twenty-five Lakhs.
Talking about Muslim rulers, a special mention of Sultan Sikandar (1389-1413) is made, who banned gambling, drinking of wine, dancing of women and the practice of Sati among the Hindus. In matters of religion also, Shah Mir and most of the successors were perfectly tolerant, and made no distinction between their Hindu and Muslim subjects. Qutb-ud-Din 1373-89) even used to offer prayers at the Hindu temples.

    Maharaja Ranjit Singh(1780 - 1839)
Maharaja Ranjit Singh succeeded his father at the young age of 12. Blind by one eye Ranjit Singh was born in 1780 in the Punjabi town of Gujranwala now in Pakistan. At the time much of Punjab was ruled by Sikhs as well as Afghans. Ranjit Singh was a Punjabi of the sovereign nation of Punjab. His samadhi is located in Lahore, Pakistan. He invaded and captured Jammu and Kashmir (1819). Sikhs have ruled Kashmir with an iron hand and stories of misrule, torture and humiliation of local population are numerous. In order to encircle and establish political hegemony, Ranjit Singh encircled the valley by allotting land to his army to rehabilitate to keep an eye on the local population on permanent basis. He did this by allotting land to his army and their families by selecting four corners, Shopian, Tral, Baramulla and Rangrett.Ranjit Singh died in 1839.
Maharaja Gulab Singh (1822-1856)

The portrait of Gulab Singh in 1847, a year after signing the treaty of Amritsar, when he purchased territories of Kashmir for Rupees 75 lakhs(7.5 million Rupees) from British.
Maharaja Gulab Singh born on October 18,1792, An illiterate to the end died at Srinagar on 30th June,1857. He signed and negotiated the TREATY OF AMRITSAR with British on 16th of March,1846. The treaty transferred the territories of Jammu, Kashmir, Gilgit and Hunza (excluding Lahul) to his independent possession. He is said to have played an eminent role in extending the boundaries of his kingdom. He faced a threat from Khalsa army of Punjab and turned to British for help and protection. As is said, the condition of the people of the state was deplorable and almost everything was taxed heavily. After paying their dues to the government, gratifying the illegal demands of the corrupt officials, the cultivators of the crop were hardly left with the third of their produce. Secondly, the security of life and property had disappeared. British Government received complaints against misrule of Gulab Singh which was termed as oppressive. Successive governments of Ranbir Singh, Pratap Singh and even Hari Singh were no different as corruption was always at its peak and the muslim majority community suffered at the hands of these dogra rulers who treated people like animals and would get a thrill by humiliating them which the rulers did on daily basis. To give an example, a muslim would be sent to gallows for killing a cow compared to a hindu who would be accorded a minor sentence for a similar offence or for killing a muslim. He abdicated in his sons favour on 20th February,1856.
O! ye the morning breeze, if you pass via Geneva, word from us, The League of Nations, say repeatedly say, Peasant in the agricultural fields, Streams, Streets, Avenues! sold, a nation was sold and at what price!
Maharaja Ranbir Singh(1856-1885)
Maharaja Ranbir Singh succeeded his father on 20 February, 1856. He was educated privately, a great persian scholar and also knowledgeable of sanskrit, english and pushto. He died on 12th September,1885.

Maharaja Partab Singh(1885-1898)
He was born in Srinagar on May 31, 1861. Succeeded his father on 12th September,1885. He was privately educated and was the Commander in Chief of Kashmir State forces. He died at Srinagar on 7th of September,1898.

Maharaja Hari Singh(1895-1961)
All Dogra rulers have taken liberties with Kashmiri's Muslim majority population and apart from routine inhuman "begar"conscription rules, Hari Singh,like his predecessors, would stick to the tradition of bullying, harrassing and humiliating the local Muslim population in order to rule over them with comfort.  Succeeded his uncle Maharaja Pratap Singh, and ascended the throne on October 14, 1925. He maneuvered to maintain his independence by playing India and Pakistan with each other by signing stand still agreement with both the countries. He was forced by India to Sign the doubtful instrument of accession on 26th Oct,1947. In 1951 Hari Singh's rule was terminated by Government of India and lived in exile for rest of his life. He died in Bombay on 26th,April,1961. He was succeeded by his only son heir apparent with the title of Yuvraj Karan Singhji Bahadur.
In order to create a fear psychosis and terror, Hari Singh followed the tradition of humiliating people as a routine matter and his tactics was slightly different from his ancestors. He would, very frequently, order his infantry battallion, known as Risaldar mounted on horsebacks to march through the main business hub Maharaj Ganj in downtown Srinagar and pick and choose a few healthy Kashmiri Muslim shop keepers to receive a number of lashes for no fault or crime, depending on the forbearance of a particular person. This kind of treatment had made Kashmiris timid, cowards and tolerant to face hardships.
Another interesting story to remember is when Maharaja fled Srinagar he was followed by a group of Hindus who came down to Srinagar from different areas and hired Muslim Tongawalas to carry them to Jammu alongwith their possessions. Tongawalas obliged and carried them to Jammu and once they reached their destination, these Tongawalas were butchered one by one.
Maharaja Hari Singh of Jammu and Kashmir was the reigning monarch in 1947. As parties to the partition process, both India and Pakistan had agreed that the rulers of princely states would be given the right to opt for either dominion or in special cases remain independent. Though the controversial article 370 of Indian constitution was very much in place that would not allow outsiders to claim 'state subject status', a systematic manipulation by successive governments imposed by India changed the demographic character by allowing Hindu population to infiltrate and settle in Jammu, the area dominated by Hindus. The intrigue could not succeed in Kashmir as these would be settlers could easily be identified due to their culture, language, race or colour. The Maharaja offered to sign a "standstill" agreement with Pakistan, which ensured continuity of supplies, trade, travel, and communication between the two. The centuries old tradition of trade, between the areas that formed Pakistan and Kashmir, had also a railway line and a road to Srinagar that made access to the valley easier.
Hari Singh wanted Jammu and Kashmir to remain independent. In order to buy some time, he signed a stand-still agreement, which side-stepped the agreement that each princely state would join either India or Pakistan. Initially Hari Singh tried to resist their progress but failed. So on 26 October 1947 purported Kashmir accession papers were signed and Indian troops were airlifted to Srinagar. The growing Indian clandestine political activity sent alarming bells to the newly created independent nation of Pakistan and very little could be done by Pakistan’s shocked Governor-General Mohammad Ali Jinnah whose army Chief General Douglas Gracy preferred to act on the orders received from Governor General of India Lord Mountbatten. The invasion from North-West Frontier Province in October 1947 masterminded by Major Khursheed Anwar to occupy and annex Kashmir to become a part of Pakistan lacked planning having no initial support from Pakistan army. As there already was an uprising against the Maharaja it was wrongly presumed that the going would be easy and smooth. Little did the invading planners know that Sheikh Abdullah was in command of the ground situation and the fact that beguiled Sheikh had managed to sedate the local population who in turn offered no resistance and stayed indifferent to the landing of Indian forces In Kashmir? That was most important part of the plan and without Sheikh roped in Pandit Nehru’s plan would definitely fail.
Maharaja fleeing in fear reached Jammu and arranged to contact Mountbatten for assistance and the entire running to and fro by a very close confidant of Mountbatten, V P Menon made this process easy, and the Governor-General agreed on the condition that the ruler accedes to India. Once the Maharaja signed the Instrument of Accession that is believed to be unauthentic, Indian soldiers transported by air, facilitated by aircrafts made available belonging to British Indian government, and road entered Kashmir and a battle ensued and the only thing Indian military managed was to stop the raiders from advancing further to more than half the state. Pakistan, apart from a third of the region, controls the Northern Areas, or historically known as regions of Gilgit and Baltistan. The United Nations was then invited to mediate and the UN mission insisted that the opinion of people of Kashmir must be ascertained, while India insisted that no referendum could occur until all of the state had been cleared of irregulars. However, Pakistan and people of Kashmir claim that the Indian army entered Kashmir before the Instrument of Accession was signed.
United Nation resolutions to hold a plebiscite with regard to Kashmir's future has not been held on either side. The legal requirement for holding of a plebiscite was the withdrawal of the Indian and Pakistani armies from the parts of Kashmir that were under their respective occupation, a withdrawal that never did take place. In 1949, a cease-fire line separating the Indian and Pakistani occupied parts of Kashmir was formally put into effect.
The Pakistani government immediately contested the accession, suggesting that it was fraudulent, that the Maharaja acted under duress, and that he had no right to sign an agreement with India when the standstill agreement with Pakistan was still in force.
Maharaja Hari Singh’s refusal to accede to either dominion created a wedge between Indian leaders especially Nehru, Patel and the Maharaja. This led to a different strategy adopted by Nehru and the caucus around him and it was decided to sideline Maharaja and win over Kashmir’s upcoming leader Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah instead. Sheikh Abdullah by then had emerged a strong political leader but due to his lack of political maturity fell a prey to Nehru’s machinations and faltered. Maharaja fearing pressure from NWFP who entered Kashmir agreed to join India by signing the controversial Instrument of Accession on 26 October 1947. Kashmir was provisionally accepted into the Indian Union pending a free and impartial plebiscite. This was spelled out in a letter from the Governor General of India, Lord Mountbatten, to the Maharaja on 27th October 1947. In the letter, accepting the accession, Mountbatten made it clear that the State would only be incorporated into the Indian Union after a reference had been made to the people of Kashmir. In the last days of 1948, a ceasefire was agreed under UN auspices; however, since the plebiscite demanded by the UN was never conducted, relations between India and Pakistan soured.
The UN Security Council on 20th January 1948 passed Resolution 39, establishing a special commission to investigate the conflict. Subsequent to the commission's recommendation, the Security Council ordered in its Resolution 47, passed on 21 April 1948, that Pakistan retreat from Jammu & Kashmir and that the accession of Kashmir is determined in accordance with a plebiscite to be supervised by the UN. In a string of subsequent resolutions, the Security Council took notice of the continuing failure by India to hold the Plebiscite, and Pakistan never left the part of the Kashmir they occupied as required by the Security Council resolution 47. The Government of India holds that the Maharaja signed a document of accession with India on October 26, 1947. Pakistan has disputed whether the Maharaja actually signed the accession treaty before Indian troops entered Kashmir.
This not being enough for Kashmir ordeal, in the mid-1950s the Chinese army entered the northeast portion of Ladakh. By 1956-57 they completed a military road through the Aksai Chin area to provide better communication between their Muslim province of Xinjiang and western Tibet. China has occupied Aksai Chin since 1962 and in addition to this; unfortunately, Trans-Karakoram Tract was ceded by Pakistan to China in 1965.
The Maharaja made an Order on October 30, 1947 appointing Sheikh Abdullah the Head of the Emergency Administration, replacing it, on March 5, 1948, with Interim Government with the Sheikh as Prime Minister. It was enjoined to convene a National Assembly "to frame a Constitution" for the State
Hari Singh in 1949 left Jammu and Kashmir, and yielded the government to Sheikh Abdullah, backed by Nehru. Since then, a bitter enmity has developed between India and Pakistan and three wars fought between these new nuclear powers over Kashmir have made this a volatile situation having dangerous consequences. The growing dispute over Kashmir also led to an uprising by local population against India and rise of militancy in the state to fight the Indian rule. The year 1989 saw the intensification of conflict in Jammu and Kashmir as more than one hundred thousand men, women and children are slaughtered for a mere crime of asking for freedom from foreign rule.
    Yuvraj Karan Singhji Bahadur(1931)
Yuvraj Karan Singhji Bahadur born at Cannes, France on March 9, 1931 succeeded his father Maharaja Hari Singh on 11th May,1931 and was appointed Yuvraj. He was appointed by Government of India as the Sadri-Riyasat on November 1, 1956 and lasted as sadre Riyasat till 1965. He was later appointed as Governor of J&K till March 15,1967. Thereafter he joined politics and became a cabinet minister in Government of India.
The heir apparent Yuvraj Karan Singh, of the last Dogra ruler Hari Singh, in his biography throws some light on the plight of Kashmiris saying:
"The condition of the people of the state at the advent of Dogra rule was deplorable. In Kashmir, for instance, almost everything was taxed heavily. After paying their dues to the government, gratifying the illegal demands of the corrupt officials, the cultivators were hardly left with a third of their produce. Security of life and property had disappeared. The Sikhs governors had been very lavish in granting jagirs so that there were as many 3,115 of these when Gulab Singh took over Kashmir."
And while defending the first Dogra ruler, his ancestor, he continues: "Despite these measures, the British authorities in India received some complaints against Gulab Singh’s government, which was termed as oppressive. Though some of the British officers had earlier paid short visits to Kashmir and submitted their reports, the British authorities contemplated sending one of their officers to stay at Srinagar for three to four months in order to make detailed inquiries about the condition of its people. Subsequently, on finding that the complaints were exaggerated and made mostly by disgruntled elements,the proposed measure was dropped."
"Gulab Singh died in Srinagar in 1857 and was succeeded by his only surviving son, Ranbir Singh. The new Maharaja was popular with his people but he was handicapped due to the lack of honest and capable officials. Despite this the state made some progress during his reign."
While highlighting the achievements of his father, he points out various outstanding feats performed which, according to him, were unheard during earlier Dogra rulers.
"In 1877 the state government carried out the first land settlement. As a result, the rights of the agriculturists were clearly defined and the states demand was fixed for ten years.
"Begar or forced labour" in its most objectionable form was abolished. By 1912 practically every tehsil and district was settled either for the first time or in revision. The share of the state was fixed at 30 per cent of the gross produce and the revenue was to be collected in cash. The land settlement gave much-needed security to the cultivators and became responsible for their increasing prosperity. The revenue of the state also increased by more than 100 per cent".
"Special stress was laid on the measures to protect agriculturists. Thus under the Agriculturist’s Relief Act, a debtor could bring his creditors to a court of law for the settlement of accounts. This freed the peasants from the rapacity of the moneylenders. The Land Alienation Act forbade the transfer of agricultural land to the non-agriculturists. If they wished improvements on their lands, they could easily get loans from the government on easy installment basis."
While making special reference to hindu population of Jammu province he mentions that" female infanticide, child marriage, traffic in women, untouchability and other social evils were common among the people of the state. Steps were taken to control these evils. Simultaneously he took up the matter of child marriage and promulgated an ordinance in which the age of marriage of boys and girls was raised to 18 and 14 respectively, and its violation was punishable by one year’s imprisonment or fine up to rupees one thousand or both. Maharaja Hari Singh threw open all public schools, colleges and wells to the untouchables in 1931. The next year all state temples were also thrown open to them. In 1940, he proclaimed untouchability a cognizable offence."
"A commission was appointed to inquire into the grievances of the Muslims and other communities. Chief recommendations of the commission included a fair and adequate representation in the services to all the communities, grant of freedom of press and platform, return of the confiscated religious sites and establishment of a representative Assembly. The government accepted the recommendations and accordingly new rules for recruitment to state services were framed. As a result of this there was gradual expansion in the representation of Muslims in the civil services."

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