Saturday, May 5, 2012




*Chaman Lal Raina
Sharad Kumud Lochanaayai Namah
Namaskar to the Divine Mother Sharada, whose eyes look like the Sharad Kumud-the lotus of the autumn season. The Markandeya Purana puts emphasis on the Shardiya Puja of Nine days known as the Anushthhans or invocation of the Nava Ratra, which falls in the Shukla Paksha of Ashvin, of the Sharad Ritu/ season. Sharad means Paripakvata or maturity. The maturity can be of thought, word and deed with respect to time, place and situation. This is the beauty of Sharada Devi.

The Rigveda says: Pavakah Nah Sarasvati Vajibhir Vajinivati. Yajnyanam Vashtu Dhiya Vasu (1-131). The translation runs as: Saraswati- Sharada purifies the person who comes close to her. She bestows knowledge, strength, prospereity and intellect to the devotees. May she help us to propitiate the Devas in the Vedic Yajnyas/ fire offerings!

The Rig Veda says: O Saraswati ! You are the very strength of Motherhood.. You are Divine and the most learned one. We can not understand the Divine impression, without your compassion and grace. O Mother! You lead us to perfection in our obligation to the Devatas!
R.V. 2-41-16Y

O Saraswati! You are yourself the most glorious Goddess . You bless us with your glorious looks . You grant strength and valor to the brave. You enhance our intellect grants. O Sharada! You are without any trace of ignorance. You accompany the wise in accomplishing the noble deeds.
RV 6-49-7

O Sharade! Give us strength, courage and bless us for performing the good and noble deeds, to make humanity nobler and wiser.
R V 2-95-2

Sharada Devi is the Presiding Devi of Kashmir. Since Sharada. Devi is the VAK of the Vedas, therefore, she is revered as the Saraswati of the Puranas. Her presence is in the manifestation of the Eternal sound known as Shabda Brahman of the Upanishads and Nada of the Agamas and Tantras. Sharada is the Divine consciousness, higher than the five sheaths or coverings, as referred to in the Vedanta. Sharada is the Paripakvata/total emancipation of the human being, where awareness is considered at the Chaitanya. Thus the human being considers "Etad Satyam-Tadaiva Satyam", in his own existence. It reflects that nothing is illusion, but appearance of illusion is in itself the manifestation of That real. Sharada is not the symbol but the name of Pranava, manifest in AUM. Various are the names of the Sharada, and Sharada Sahsranama speaks the glory of Shri Sharada with One Thousand Names. It is the Agamic approach to adore the Sharada Devi. In the Markandeya Purana, Sharada is adored as :

"Mahavidya ----Mahavani------ Bharati---- Vak---- Saraswati"

Arya Brahmi Kamadhenu Vedagarbha Cha Dhishwari"(Pradhanik Rahasya16)
Akshamala Ankusha Dhara Vina Pustaka Dharini (Pradhanik Rahasya 15)

She is the excellent Mother, possessing in her hands the garland of Rudraksha beads, goad, Vina and the fourVedas in her hands. These names have been given by Mahalakshmi to Sharada Devi.

Sharada Devi Patu Nah

Saraswati Maha bhage Varde Vishva Rupini
Kaamrupi Vishalakshe Vidyam Dehi Parmeshvari 1

(O Saraswati! You are the great source of knowledge, giving credence to the great realization of the Absolute. You are extended in the whole universe. Desire is also your form, as you are the supreme sovereign excellence. Give me the boon of wisdom and knowledge.)

Sharade Maya Drishta Vinapustaka Dharini
Hamsa Vahini Samyukta vidyadanam Kuru Mam 2

O Sharada! I have seen you holding the Vedas and the Vina. You ride on the Swan. I seek the boon of Vidya –knowledge from you.2

Prathamam Bharati nama, Dvitiyam Cha Saraswati
Tritiyam Sharada Devi Chaturtham Hamsavahini 3

You are adored with the name of Bharati-the eternal sound, Your second expression is that of Saraswati. The third in the manifestation is Sharada. The fourth quintessential is of Hamsa Vahini, who is the symbol of Sattva.3

Pancham Lokavikhyata Shashtam Vageshvari
Saptam Kaumari Prokhta, Ashtam Vara dayini 4

You are adored as the Lokavikhyata, being exceedingly famous in the world, also you are revered as the Vageshvari-the manifestation of AUM.

Navamam Buddhidhatri Cha, Dashmam Brahmacharini
Ekadashi Chandraganta Dwadasha Tu Bhuvaneshvari 5

Your ninth incarnation is the giver of intellect and as the Brahmacharini in your tenth incarnation, you impart the knowledge of Brahman. In your eleventh manifestation you are the cosmic bell to uphold the universal flux. In your twelfth incarnation, you are the Divine Mother adored as Bhuvaneshvari.5

Iti Shri Dwadash namani Trisandhya Pathet Narah
Tasya Vasti Jihwagre Sarva Shulka Saraswati

Any person reciting these great twelve names at the time of Three twilights,gets higher merits. Divine Mother Saraswati finds her abode on the tip of the tongue of that person..

We are the descendents of that Sharada Devi, whose abode is on the banks of Krishen Ganga in POK, pay our obeisance to Her. It is our sacred duty to invoke Shri Sharada Devi in our socio – religious functions. One more important Siddhapitha is at Sharadi Ba in Kulusa Bandipur, Kashmir. The Sharada Devi is of the Pure Sattva white color. Sh

Shri Sharada Patu Nah! May Shri Sharada Devi protect us!

*Dr. Chaman Lal Raina did Masters in Hindi & English. Ph.D. in Hindi & Iqbaliat at the University of Kashmir. Worked on the research project at the Iqbal Institute for writing monographs on Indology as Research Associate. Worked as lecturer to teach research methodology in Iqbal Institute, University of Kashmir. Dr. Raina's first love is for the Vedas and the Shakti Tradition of India. To his credit goes some ten books on Indology. He was awarded Nagmani Fellowship, Buddhist Fellowship etc. from various Institutions. Presently Dr. Raina is associated with the Yoga Studies, religion and sanskrit at Florida International University, USA.

                                                     EDITED BY  :ASHOK KOUL 

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