The Story Of Bhai Dooj
For Hindus, the story behind each festival play a very important role
in the formation of their culture and have a very deep significance and
values. Most of the Indian festivals are attached to specific characters
and personalities that helps the masses to understand and know the true
significance of the festival. Just like all important Indian Festivals,
Bahi dooj also has a story to follow that have carved a niche with its
unique presence and strength.
Through generations, the story of
Bhai Dooj has been passed from generation to generation either by word
of mouth or through carefully stored scriptures. The narration of the
story marks the end of the Bhai dooj puja. Once the various rituals of
Bhai dooj such as the sister applying the teeka on the forehead of the
brother, giving him the eatables and in return receiving the gifts are
over, the women and children sit around, to hear the story behind Bhai
Dooj from the elders of the family.
The story goes that once
there was a family living in a village that had only a sister and a
brother. The sister was very elder to her brother, thus when she got
married, the brother was at a very tender age. The boy did not
remembered any thing about his sister's marriage. After the marriage,
the sister never returned to her mother's home. As the brother grew up,
the image of her sister started fading with each passing years. He
terribly missed his sister, especially on the Bhai Dooj day, as he used
to see his friends with teeka on their forehead and plates full of
On one particular Bhai dooj, when the boy had turned up
into a handsome young boy, he inquired his mother about the reason as
to why his sister never visited her original home after her marriage.
The mother replied that she does not come because there is a big forest
between this village and the one in which she lives and there is a big
river flowing in between. One has to cross the river by boat and then
there are wild animals which fill people with so much terror, that many
people do not travel through the forest.
Inspite of knowing the
immense difficulty he will have to face, the young brother decided to
visit his sister on the next Bhai dooj day. The mother reminded him
again of the dangers, but he did not listen, and so it was decided that
he would go and visit her. When the time came she told him to tell his
sister that she should now come over and choose a suitable bride for
The boy set off and on his way he faced the rising level
of river, which made it impossible for him to cross the road. There was
also the danger of snakes. The boy requested the river not to drown him
and told the snakes that they can bite him on his return journey, after
he meets his only sister. The snake agreed, and the boy proceeded. Now,
he came to a mountain, which started through big stones on him, and he
again pleaded with it to let him go. The mountain also agreed. When the
boy was near his sister's village, a big tiger appeared and decided to
eat him up. He also pleaded to the tiger and promised him that the tiger
can feed on him on his return journey.
The poor boy knew now
that is days were numbered, still, he eagerly went along to meet his
only sister. He entered the house, and saw that she was doing the Bhai
Dooj puja. The sister on seeing him after such a long time, welcomed her
brother with a smile and embraced him. She at once brought lovely
fruits and sweet meats to eat. She set about preparing kheer, puri,
kachori, and lots of other tasty items. When her husband came after
work, both of them provided a very enjoyable and memorable time to the
young lad, so that he was full of joy.
Days passed, and it was
time for the brother to take leave of his sister and brother-in-law.
Before returning back, the brother narrated the whole incident to his
sister and told her that his days were numbered and that he is soon
going to die. The sister was shocked, but she decided to accompany him
for the return journey. She secretly packed some meat for the tiger,
some milk for the snake, flowers of silver and gold for the mountain and
some roli and rice for the river.
Soon they were on their way
and, of course, the tiger came first to eat up the brother. The sister
gave him the meat and he went his way. Then came the mountain, which
wanted to fall on her brother. She quickly performed puja with the gold
and silver flowers and the mountain was very pleased with the offerings
and stopped falling. Then it was the turn of the snake, and it was given
the milk, and went away satisfied. They now reached the river and as
was expected, it started to rise, but the sister subdued it by doing
puja with roli and rice, and the river went down.
Both, brother
and sister were very happy to escape the dangers of the forest and were
anxious to reach home. The sister was now tired and thirsty. Soon she
saw some gypsies working far away. She wanted to ask them for water, so
the brother sat down under a tree-happy to be alive-and she went to the
gypsies and got some water. Their the gypsies predicted that the danger
was not over and her brother will die very soon. She asked them to tell
her some way by which this calamity could be averted. One old woman came
to her rescue and suggested that until her brother gets married, she
should go on cursing him, right from now on and continuous to curse him
all through the wedding and also insists on getting all rituals done to
her first, only then this boy can be saved.
As soon as she
reached near her brother, she started to curse him and to abuse him. The
poor fellow was taken by surprise, but she continued calling him bad
names. This thing continued even when they reached home. The mother,
along with the villagers were very surprised at the nasty behavior of
the sister, but no said anything as she was married and had came to her
mother's place after a long time.
Soon, the brother's marriage
was fixed to a beautiful girl. Still the sister went on cursing on any
pretext. Everyone wanted the wedding to be over as soon as possible and
the sister to be sent back to her village. On the wedding day, she
insisted that all rituals be performed on her before her brother. The
sister insisted that they tie the sehra on her forehead first. She found
a small snake in the sehra instead of a string. She pulled out the
snake. Next, the sister insisted that the barat (marriage procession)
should go from the back door and not from the front door and no
decorations be made. When the barat was to start, somehow the sister had
fallen asleep. Ignoring her words, the barat started from beautiful
front porch. But, no longer had everyone gather, the whole porch fell
down, and narrowly missed the groom.
Now the time for the
pheras (going round the fire) arrived and the sister had again gone to
sleep. As soon as the first round of the pheras was done, the boy fell
down in a dead faint, because of the evil spirits who had come to take
him away. The sister woke up on hearing the noise and came cursing in to
the courtyard. Hearing the abuses and seeing her blazing eyes, the evil
spirits fled. It was now time for the boy and the girl to give kheer to
each other. They let the sister have the first morsel from which she
took out a hedgehog's spiked needle and quickly put it in her tiny bag
as well.
The wedding was finally over and every one including
the mother and brother were keen to see the sister leave. Before leaving
for her husbands place, the sister narrated the prediction of the
gypsies and gave the reason for her bad behavior. Everyone had tears in
their eyes and they hugged her feet, and all present said with one
voice: 'Let everyone have a sister like this, who is willing to be
talked ill of, and will go about looking wild and angry even during a
wedding, although it was to be the only wedding in the family - all this
just to save her brother and family from disaster.
Thus, the
custom is prevalent that a brother does not go to his sisters house for
the teeka; instead the sisters bring or send the teeka to the brother,
as danger may lurk on the way.

Festival of Bhai Dooj will be celebrated on Dwetiya of Kartik Shukla Paksha. In
the year 2012, Bhai Dooj will be on 15th November. It is a festival of faith and
love of sisters towards their brother. Sisters apply Tilak on the forehead to their
brother and pray for their longevity.
In Hindu society, this festival is a symbol of affection and warmth between brother
and sister. It is celebrated two days after Diwali. This day is also called Yam
Dwetiya. Hence, Yam Dev is worshipped on Bhai Dooj. It is believed that people who
worship Yam Dev does not have to face premature death.
In Hindus, this festival is also related to traditions like the others. On this
day, sister apply Tilak on the forehead on their brother. They give gifts and pray
for the longevity of their brothers. In return brothers take pledge of their sisters
safety. Brother should have food in the house of their sister.
Mythological Belief about Bhai Dooj
According to a mythological belief, Yamuna observed fast for her brother Yamraj’s
longevity and made him have the Annakut food. Today also this festival is called
Yam Dwetiya in the city of Mithila. A paste prepared by grinding rice is applied
on both the hands of brother. At some places, there is a tradition of applying Sindoor
on the hands of brother.
After this, 5 betel leaves, betel nut, and coins of silver are placed on the hands
of brother. Water is poured on hands and prayer for the longevity of brother is
performed. Brothers give gifts and sweets to their sister. Some sorts of change
can be seen in tradition of celebrating this festival, in different parts of the
Bhai Dooj Story
Out of all the festivals related to brother and sister, Raksha Bandhan and Bhai
Dooj are the two most significant. As per the story, Yam Dev visited his sister
on this day. Yamuna, sister of Yam, was eagerly waiting to meet her brother. She
was very happy by meeting his brother. She welcomed her brother wholeheartedly.
Pleased by the sister, Yam gave a boon that if, brother and sister have a bath in
Yamuna river on this day then they will receive salvation.
Hence, having a bath with brother or sister in Yamuna is of great significance on
this day. Also, Yamuna asked her brother to take a pledge that every brother should
go to her sister’s house on this day. From that time only, tradition of Bhai Dooj
is carried on. Brothers who stay far from their sister, they go on Bhai Dooj to
meet her. They get the Tilak applied and give gifts to their sisters.
Bhai Dooj Celebration
On the festival of Bhai Dooj, sisters wake up early in the morning. They should
worship the family lord after completing the routine work like bathing etc. And
give a proper place to brothers on their arrival. A seat is prepared from flour
of rice. Brother is made to sit on this. Hands of brother are worshipped and paste
of rice is applied on them. Then, Sindoor is applied and flower of Kaddu, betel
nut, betel leaves, coins etc. are kept in the palms of brother. Water is poured
slowly and mantra is chanted.
At some places, sister apply Tilak and perform Aarti of their brother. Then they
tie Kalawa on their brother’s hand. Butter and Mishi are given to brother as sweet.
In the evening, sister light a lamp of four weeks in the name of Yamraj and place
it facing the south direction. It is believed that if a Kite is seen flying in the
sky then wish for the longevity of brother turns to be true.
Bhai Dooj Importance
The festival of Bhai Dooj is also called as Yam Dwetiya. It increases the bond of
affection between brother and sister. After marriage a girl dose not come frequently
to her parents house. And, people from her parents side also make very few visits
to her place. Hence, to have sweet relationship between brother and sister, to remove
the sadness occurred because of the distance, to know about any kind of news from
a girls side and keeping in mind the other feelings, festival like Bhai Dooj are
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