(Dedicated to the Motherhood of Kashmiri Pandit women)
*-Dr Chaman Lal Raina |
is a golden Abhushan/ornament designed as the symbol of being a
Suhagin/ Saubhagyawati. It is not the Mangla Sutra, but a representation
of being Dvija/twice- born according to the Laughakshi Paddati. In the
early Aryan civilization, every woman was supposed to be invested with
the sacred thread. Later Mangla Sutra took the place of the
Bhrahma Sutra-Upanayana in the rest of Bharat except Kashmir. Kashmir
evolved a new system, where the Dijahor took place of Upanayana at the
time of Devaguna Sanaskara /initiation before the actual Panigrihan
Saptapadi/ marriage ceremony of the girl.
Gold is considered as the purest form of metal, which never gets stained. Shri Sharika is said to be the Hiranyamayi Devi. Design of the jewelry is also influenced by the religious ethos. Since Kashmir has remained a Shakti Pitha and the Shaktivad has been the main source of our spiritual insight and upbringing within the Sanatana Dharma, so it was natural that Dejihor should have taken the symbol of the Shri Yantra. At the Anushthhana/ invocation of Devguna, known as Kanya Sanaskar the Dejihor is sanctified by the Vedic and the Tantrik Mantras related to the Shri Yantra. What is Shri Yantra? Shri Yantra is the Chakreshvara, the King of the all Yantras, according to the Shaiva -Shakti Agamas. The hymn related to the formation of the Shri Yantra is: “Bindu-Trikona-Vasukona Dashaarmyugma Manvashra-Naagadala-SamyutashodaaramVrtta Trayam Cha Dharni Sadana TrayamShri Chakram etad Uditam Para devataayaah” 1 Dot/ Bindu is Ananda -- All Bliss. 2 The inverted triangle is Sarva Siddhi Pradaa Shakti, the Giver of all prosperity. 3 Eight Triangles are the Sarva Rogahara Chakra-the Destroyer of all diseases. 4 Ten Triangles are the Sarva Rakshaakara Chakra- the All Savior. 5 Next ten Triangles are the Sarvartha Saadhaka Chakra-the Giver of the all fortune. 6 Fourteen Triangles are the Sarva Saubhagya Daayaka Chakra- Giver of all types of auspiciousness. 7 Eight Lotus Petals are the Sarva Sankshobhana Chakra, the giver of the Eight perfections, by removing all the obstructions. 8 Sixteen Lotus Petals are the Sarva Pari Puraka Chakra, the Giver of all accomplishments. 9 Square of three lines with four portals is the Trailokya Mohan Chakra, which is all potent in making the triple world in the command of the bride with purity and austerity. The Nine Chakras are represent by the Shatkona, two holes and one Chuni. Mantras are powerful and produce the positive energy. Thus the Dejihor was designed by the great Kashmiri Acharyas to infuse the divine strength within the married woman. The designs are changing, but the Shatkona with circular dot at the extremities have remained the same. The size of the Dejihor has changed and is still changing. The Shatkona is the Shiva and Shakti in Unison and is represented in the figure below: Dejihor Chhi meinya Pa'iz Asmitaa Baasaan Chuum Chhas Bu Garvita Dekya bajritch Nisha'ini Chhi A'ithi Andar Shatkonuk aakar Chhu Kotah Sondar Atahor Chhu Shiv Shakti Hund Aadhar Deji Haaruk Bajar Chhu Banun Nervikaar -------- Jaya Sibu
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