
Swami Kral Bab Maharaj
KASHMIR has given birth to many Sages,seers, Rish's and
Sufi's ,in both the forms of male and females.It has seen lean periods
of economics, social and spiritual gloom , but nature has always been
kind enough from time to time to project a supreme personality of GODHEAD
over the scene to save the humanity from sinking into abyss of degradation
and misery. His holiness Swami Kral Babji Maharaj was born in 1928 on Phagun Purnima from a modest humble agriculture family at KralGund village in tehsil Handwara J&K The name KRALBAB was given to him by his Guru Maharaj Nand lal ji(Kaul).His parental name was Sh Bhagwan Dass ji. The name of his parents was Sh Samsar Chand and Kudmali.From his childhood days his inclination towards God was visible. When the other young boys of his age would play with usual games in the village , he played with ashes,cow dung and smear such dust over his body.From his childhood it was evident that he was not interested in the worldly affairs. As a child he was always after his Kul Purohit to tell him the religious stories and prefered lonely and quite places to go for reciting religious hymes,which he had orally heard.After the death of his father,he could not escape the woes of Worldly life. His brothers gave him away to the domestic service of a Sub judge at sopore. The judge had two wives. One day Sub judge invited a saint for meals.The left over meals of the saint was not consumed by the wives of the judge as prasad and was passed on to Sh Kral Babji's for eating. This proved to be elevating touch to Sh Kral Babji's Spiritual path and an eye opener to the Sub judge and his wives. One day finding him in meditation, after finishing the house hold jobs, the Sub judge's family found a glow projecting from the forehead of BabjiMaharaj.Next day Sh Kral Babji was given much obeisance and reverence and made to give up the domestic job.Time had turned ripe for Sh Kral Babji to meet his Guru Chatanaiya Bramchari Yogi Raj Swami Nan lal ji Maharaj. It was a Guru -Shisia relationship from first sight and he was impatient to embrass,Sh Kral Babji as his disciple . But the bold words from the Submissive minded Kral Babji was "not " till his mother was alive. Siddhi Suroopa Sh Kral Babji was averse to get publicity through print or photographs,as he never wanted to be a trade mark to get commercially exploited. He was nor haughty not under materially contaminated conscious. He was for total Kashmiriyat. He was submissive before transcendtal friendship. Once a muslim lady came in tears and boldly said that she had no child even after five years of her marrage.Bab Maharaj was moved by her plight and said " Valie Kehna chona gam" (come on don't worry). Let you have this almond and God will fill your lap. The lady had a promise of a Sat Guru , which she knew would not fail. After nine months the lady was blessed with a son. Before the air crash and death of General Zia of Pakistan was announced on radio or television or the world knew about it, it was Sh Kral Babji,who after opening his eyes from Samadhi declared "Peeva-Peeva" (fallen fallen). In panic we enquired as to what had fallen . He declared that Mahashesura had fallen. Later in the evening we could understand the truth of this words. It was Bab Maharaj's Siddhi'Syurapa, perfection of his constitutional position. Ghari Ashram a Transit Camp during Migration As regards our Exdous and turmoil from the valley, Bab Maharaj had made prophecy about the coming events long before. To lesson our suffering on account of migration,he had constructed an Ashram at Ghari udhampur much before 1989, the year of our Exdous. We often used to ask him,as what was the need of Ghari Asharam, when there were already number of Ashrams constructed in the valley by him at places like, Venkura (Baramulla),NamtHal (Budgam) He would reply "Ghari Ashram has to play a great role in the future .His Prophecy proved true and timely solution to the awakard crisis,created by no-secular religious Zealots. People througed the Ashram,stayed there for a few days and went away.During the days of migration it was really like a army transit camp. His Holiness Kral Babji was exceptionally liberal and conciously honest even after his Nirvana. At Ghari Ashram Udhampur , there is a blessed window and in case any devotee wishes any help to negate his suffering ,he goes out and prayers before that window. His prayers are granted and wish fulfilled. This confidence helps to explain, how pure devotion can develop devine qualities, at the highest end of spiritual existence. Bab Maharaj was more open to show the Kashmiri spiritualism had more capacities and predisposition's of popular mind and miracles of the order and style of infinity, attested ,long back by nature at AmarNath Cave, Khir Bhawani , Sharda Shrine (POK) and other places.Kashmir was also called the Siddha Peth, a place of Success in Spiritual efforts . Here it was the graceful touch of many innocent and no informal education, who found power and providence of God, being master in Para-Vidiya,could talk about the relative values of reality. Guru Shisa Parampra Guru Shisa relationship between Swami Nad lalji Maharaj and Swami Kral Babji Maharaj was from the first sight.Swami Nand lal ji was born in Feburary 1903 at Srinagar in respected Kaul Family of Kashmiri Pandits. As a small boy he used to spend quite some time in the company of wandering monks. He was always liberal to meet saints coming from outside countries and even from Nepal. In his wandering he would spend nights in the Jungles of Kashmir. Even wild animals would forget their ferocious nature and instructure hostality. He wandered from place to place and ultimately sat at the holy feet of his Guru Maharaj Swami Lalji Maharaj. Swami Lalji was a strict disciplinarian and tough task master.Here Swami Nand Lalji learnt Yoga, Sanskrit , Scriptures and great scerets-stages of Yoga and Prana abayasa. Swami Nandlal ji found his spritual destination at Hardawar, Shardaji(POK),Gilgit, Ladak,Skardu, tibet at ultimately Mansarovar lake. He founded Ashrams at Tikker and Hushru. Some of his main desciples were Sh Kral Babji, Sh MastBabji, Sh Biatothji,Sh Vebeshanji and others.People of all the religions had a great faith in him. He went into Maha Samadi and left his mortal remains on Ist of February 1968 (Magh Shukla triya). Sh Kral Babji as a Shrewd and sincere disciple followed the foot steps of his Guru and carried on eternal flame till his Nirvana in the year 1990 on Asoj Krishna Paksha Chuturdasi leaving behind legacy of large number of devotees and disciples. The main among them is Swami Kumarji . He is following the footsteps of his Guru Maharaj. The name Kumarji was given to him by Sh Kral Babji Maharaj . His parential name was Shiben Krishen and hails from Rawoosa Baramulla. He has inherited a profound reverence for the traditional hindi religion ie "SANANTAN DHARMA". Besides many social functions, many Havans are performed anually by him at Ghari Udhampur Ashram. Large number of devotees Visit the Ashram to seek the blessings of the SAT-GURU'S |
- Swami Kral Bab
- Venkura Baramulla Kashmir
- Namthal Budgam Kahmir
- Garhi Udhampur, Jammu
- Bantalab Kral Bab Nagar, Jammu
- Material provided By Sh S.L.DHAR A devotee
- Compiled By Sh V.K.KULLU A devotee
Annual Festivity at Swami Kral Bab Ashram, Garhi Udhampur Jammu
Performed by Swami Kumarji
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